
Little Learners Preschool

Disclosure 2017-2018

Goals at Little Learners Preschool
*First and foremost I want every child to Learn to love learning!
*I want to provide many leaning opportunities for children to explore and express themselves in a safe and loving environment.

*Provide a program with varied activities for learning and developing a child’s abilities in art, music, science, math, writing, reading, and life skills.


Enrollment –
Enrollment in Little Learners preschool is based on a first-come, first-served basis.If classes fill-up, there will be a waiting list created and openings for the preschool will be created from this list. When you enroll your child, a non-refundable registration fee of 40.00 will be charged to secure a spot in our program. The money is used during the year to provide supplies for your child.
Withdrawal –
 If an event occurs that requires you to withdrawl your child from Little Learners Preschool during the school year, you will need to inform me by 30 days written notice, along with the full tuition paid during those 30 days.  If thirty days notice is not given, the following month’s tuition is due.  If you withdraw before the first day of preschool, you forfeit your registration fee.

Termination –
Little Learners Preschool reserves the right to immediately terminate enrollment for reasons including, but not limited to, the following:
·         Late or non-payment of tuition
·         Enrolled child hurts or endangers any member of Little learners Preschool
·         Parent behaves inappropriately in the school environment or on school grounds.  This includes, but is not limited to language and actions that are vulgar, abusive, dangerous or sexually suggestive.
If your child is terminated for any reason, you are not entilted to reimbersment of monies paid.

Tuition –
When you enroll you are entering into a 9-month contract with me to keep your child in Little Learners Preschool for the full 9 months.  You also agree to pay the full session’s tuition, payable in 9 monthly payments.  The first payment is due September 6, 2017. Each monthly payment is due on the first DAY of the month.
          3/4 year old class - $60/month
        4/5 Year old class - $70/month

I accept cash, checks or money orders made payable to Little Learners Preschool.  Any returned check is subject to a $20 charge.

Fees –
Late Payment Fee: Tuition is considered late after the 6th of each month.  A $10 late fee will be charged on any payments received after the 10th.  If tuition has not been received by the 30th  of the month, your child will no longer be enrolled in Little Learners Preschool. 

Late Pickup Fee: You should be prompt when picking up your child from preschool.  If you are 15+ minutes late picking up your child it will result in a $5 late pickup fee.  Please call if you are running late.  It will not waive your late fee, but it will comfort your child to know you are on the way. Each parent will receive one excused late pick-up. All others will result in the fee.
Refunds –
Enrolling your child reserves a space for that child.  Tuition is due whether or not your child attends.  No credit or refund is given for your child’s sick days or vacation.


Classes start Wednesday,  September 6, 2017 and end Thursday, May 24, 2018

4 Year Old Classes (PreK)

Mondays and Wednesdays   9:00-11:30am 

3 Year Old Classes

Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:00-11:00am

We follow the Bonneville School District 93 schedule. A calendar will be given to you at the beginning of preschool that will tell you when preschool is in session. If the Bonneville schools are closed due to inclement weather, we will be closed too.
Provider Sickness –
I allow myself up to 3 missed preschool days without refunding a portion of your tuition or making up the sick days.  However, if I close the preschool for 4 or more days for sickness or family reasons, I will gladly refund tuition amount per missed school day, beginning at the 4th missed day and continuing on with each additional missed day.


What to Bring –
Your child will be assigned a sharing day each week. On this sharing day please have them bring something from home to show the others.  Please do not send items that are breakable or irreplaceable.  Please do not send toys or other items other than for sharing on their assigned day.

Snacks –
 We will have snack time each day. Snacks will be provided by Little Learners Preschool.
Visiting Policy –
 I have an open door policy. Please feel free to come and join your child at preschool any time they are in session.  If you need to speak with me please call after preschool time or email me to set up a time to meet.


Arrival –
Children should arrive promptly at the time their class is scheduled to start.
Departure –
Please do not be late; we are on a very tight schedule. Children should be picked up promptly at the time their class gets out.

Child Release –
Only adults authorized on the Child Pickup Form will be allowed to take your child home.  Please let me know if there are any changes in the routine schedule of who is picking up your child.  If an emergency arises and you need to send someone not listed on the enrollment form, you must call to notify me.. If there are special custody arrangements between parents, please make sure to bring complete detailed instructions and any legal documentation to be put with your child's records.  All instructions will be enforced by Little Learners Preschool.


Birthdays –
          We will be celebrating your child’s birthday. We will sing to them and make them a special present from the class. You are welcome to bring a treat to share with the others if you want to.

Holidays –
The traditional holidays will be celebrated.  We will celebrate the holidays by making decorations and discussing the history of the holiday. If you wish your child not participate please let me know in advance so I can have some other activities for them to participate in.

Illnesses –
Keeping your child home when he or she is sick prevents the spread of germs to other children.  If in doubt, it is best to keep your child at home.  When your child is sick, please call before class starts to let me know he or she will not be attending that day.  If a child becomes ill during the day, A parent or other person will be notified to come pick them up.

The law requires that children showing any of the following symptoms (in the last 24 hours) not come to school:
         Strep throat (antibiotics for less than 24 hours)
      Fever of 101 F or greater 
         Draining rash
         Eye discharge or Pink eye
         Fever of 101 F or greater
         Lice or nits in the hair

Please let us know immediately if your child is exposed to or contracts a contagious disease.

Immunizations –
All children must be current on their immunizations.  I must have a copy of this information before preschool starts. If I do not your child may not attend

Cleanliness Methods –
When children get to school and before snack they will wash their hands.  We will discuss good hygine; such as coughing into an elbow. Tables and other surfaces, sinks and toilets are disinfected daily.  Floors are swept/vacuumed on a daily basis. 


Handling Accidents –
If a child has an accident while at preschool (in underwear) we will change him or her into a second pair of clothing that you provide (please keep this second change of clothing in their backpack).  I do not require a preschooler to be potty trained before coming to preschool. However,  I will not change diapers or pull-ups.


Emergency & Accident Procedures –
I have been trained in CPR and First Aid.  In the event of a minor injury, I will administer First Aid.  In the event of a medical emergency, 911 will be called.  I will contact parents as soon as possible in the event of any illness or injury requiring immediate medical attention. 

Child Abuse –
Because I am in the care of children, I am mandated by law to report to Child Protective Services any suspicion of physical, sexual,  or emotional child abuse, or child neglect .  I am not  obligated by law to inform parents if the police or child protective services are called about possible abuse.


Behavioral Expectations –
       At our preschool we want to have a safe and comfortable environment. We do not accept any hitting, pushing, kicking, biting, name-calling etc…

Discipline –
When a child chooses to act out they will quietly be asked to discontinue the behavior. If it continues they will be taken aside and talked to. If they behavior still continues after verbal warnings a child will be removed from the group and have some ‘thinking time’ to regain control. When they are ready they may rejoin the group. Children will work to identify and appropriately express their emotions.  Positive attention and verbal praise will be used on a regular basis. 


Parent Responsibilities –
Parents are expected to communicate with me about any concerns or questions that come about. Parents are expected to read all notes and/or emails that are sent out. If there is a problem that I am unaware of please let me know. I cannot fix what I do not know about.

Assessments –
 Your child will be assessed in both social and academic areas several times through the year.  This will be sent home to you.

Newsletter –
I will send home a weekly newsletter so you are aware of the great activities that we are doing in class.

Please visit our website to review any items about Little Learners Preschool.


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